Charging station of Pub Mont Fort

  • Services
  • Transport services
  • Charging station for 2-wheeled vehicles
Pub Mont-Fort SA, Case postale 329, 1936 Verbier
Recharge the batterie of your electric mountain bike free of charge!
An electric terminal is available for your bike but, beware, take your charger as no specific connector is installed on site!
Charging station with room for five bikes. Four external plugs and a further three inside the locker.


Free of charge.


Charging station of Pub Mont Fort
Pub Mont-Fort SA, Case postale 329, 1936 Verbier
Contact Charging station of Pub Mont Fort
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  • On the terrace of the Pub Mont Fort
Updated on 31 March 2024 at 17:05
by Verbier Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 5873282)
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